Saturday, August 31, 2019

La Noche Boca Arriba Translation

L A NOCHE BOCA ARRIBA Halfway down the long hotel vestibule, he thought that probably hewas going to be late, and hurried on into the street to get out hismotorcycle from the corner where the next-door superintendent let himkeep it. On the jewelry store at the corner he read that it was ten to nine;he had time to spare. The sun filtered through the tall downtown buildings,and he–because for himself, for just going along thinking, he did not havea name-he swung onto the machine, savoring the idea of the ride. Themotor whirred between his legs, and a cool wind whipped his pantslegs.He let the ministries zip past (the pink, the white), and a series of stores on the main street, their windows flash ing. Now he was beginning the most pleasant part of the run, the real ride: a long street bordered withtrees, very little traffic, with spacious villas whose gardens rambled all theway down to the sidewalks, which were barely indi cated by low hedges. Abit inattentive perhaps, but tooli ng along on the right side of the street, heallowed himself to be carried away by the freshness, by the weightlesscontraction of this hardly begun day. This involuntary relaxa tion, possibly,kept him from preventing the accident.When he saw that the womanstanding on the corner had rushed into the crosswalk while he still had thegreen light, it was already somewhat too late for a simple solu tion. Hebraked hard with foot and hand, wrenching him self to the left; he heard thewoman scream, and at the collision his vision went. It was like falling asleep all at once. He came to abruptly. Four or five young men were get ting him out from under the cycle. He felt the taste of salt and blood, oneknee hurt, and when they hoisted him up he yelped, he couldn't bear the presssure on his right arm.Voices which did not seem to belong to thefaces hanging above him encouraged him cheerfully with jokes and assurances. His single solace was to hear someone else confirm that thelights indeed had been in his favor. He asked about the woman, trying tokeep down the nausea which was edging up into his throat. While they carried him face up to a nearby pharmacy, he learned that the cause of theaccident had gotten only a few scrapes on the legs. â€Å"Nah, you barely got her at all, but when ya hit, the impact made the machine jump and flop on its side . . . Opinions, recollections of other smashups, take it easy, work him in shoulders first, there, that's fine, and someone in a dust coat giving him a swallow of something soothing in the shadowy interior of the small local pharmacy. Within five minutes the police ambulance arrived, and they lifted himonto a cushioned stretcher. It was a relief for him to be able to lie out flat. Completely lucid, but real izing that he was suffering the effects of aterrible shock, he gave his information to the officer riding in the ambulance with him. The arm almost didn't hurt; blood dripped down from acut over the eyebrow all over his face.He lic ked his lips once or twice todrink it. He felt pretty good, it had been an accident, tough luck; stay quiet a few weeks, nothing worse. The guard said that the motorcycle didn't seem badly racked up. â€Å"Why should it,† he replied. â€Å"It all landed on top of me. † They both laughed, and when they got to the hospital, the guard shook his hand and wished him luck. Now the nausea was coming back little by little; meanwhile they were pushing him on a wheeled stretcher toward a pavilion further back, rolling along under trees full of birds, heshut his eyes and wished he were asleep or chloroformed.But they kept him for a good while in a room with that hospital smell, filling out a form,getting his clothes off, and dressing him in a stiff, greyish smock. They moved his arm carefully, it didn't hurt him. The nurses were constantly making wise cracks, and if it hadn't been for the stomach contractions hewould have felt fine, almost happy. They got him over to X-ray, and t wenty minutes later, with the still-damp negative lying on his chest like a black tombstone, they pushed himinto surgery. Someone tall and thin in white came over and began to look at the X rays.A woman's hands were arranging his head, he felt that they were moving him from one stretcher to another. The man in white cameover to him again, smiling, some thing gleamed in his right hand. He patted his cheek and made a sign to someone stationed behind. It was unusual as a dream because it was full of smells, and henever dreamt smells. First a marshy smell, there to the left of the trail theswamps began already, the quaking bogs from which no one ever returned. But the reek lifted, and instead there came a dark, freshcomposite fragrance, like the night under which he moved, in flight fromthe Aztecs.And it was all so natural, he had to run from the Aztecs who had set out on their manhunt, and his sole chance was to find a place tohide in the deepest part of the forest, taking care not to lose the narrow trail which only they, the Motecas, knew. What tormented him the most was the odor, as though,notwithstanding the absolute acceptance of the dream, there wassomething which resisted that which was not habitual, which until that point had not participated in the game. â€Å"It smells of war,† he thought, his hand going instinctively to the stone knife which was tucked at an angle into hisgirdle of woven wool.An unexpected sound made him crouch suddenly stock-still and shaking. To be afraid was nothing strange, there was plenty of fear in his dreams. He waited, covered by the branches of a shrub and the starless night. Far off, probably on the other side of the big lake, they'd be lighting the bivouac fires; that part of the sky had a reddish glare. Thesound was not repeated. It had been like a broken limb. Maybe an animal that, like himself, was escaping from the smell of war. He stood erect slowly, sniffing the air.Not a sound could be heard, but the fear was still following, as was the smell, that cloying incense of the war of the blossom. He had to press forward, to stay out of the bogs and get to the heart of theforest. Groping uncertainly through the dark, stoop ing every other moment to touch the packed earth of the trail, he took a few steps. He would haveliked to have broken into a run, but the gurgling fens lapped on either sideof him. On the path and in darkness, he took his bear ings. Then he caught a horrible blast of that foul smell he was most afraid of, and leaped forward desperately. You're going to fall off the bed,† said the patient next to him. â€Å"Stopbouncing around, old buddy. † He opened his eyes and it was afternoon,the sun al ready low in the oversized windows of the long ward. Whiletrying to smile at his neighbor, he detached himself almost physically fromthe final scene of the nightmare. His arm, in a plaster cast, hung suspended from an appa ratus with weights and pulleys. He felt thirsty, asthou gh he'd been running for miles, but they didn't want to give him muchwater, barely enough to moisten his lips and make a mouthful.The fever was winning slowly and he would have been able to sleep again, but hewas enjoying the pleasure of keeping awake, eyes half-closed, listening tothe other patients' conversation, answering a question from time to time. He saw a little white pushcart come up beside the bed, a blond nurserubbed the front of his thigh with alcohol and stuck him with a fat needleconnected to a tube which ran up to a bottle filled with a milky, opales cent liquid. A young intern arrived with some metal and leather apparatus whichhe adjusted to fit onto the good arm to check something or other.Night fell,and the fever went along dragging him down softly to a state in whichthings seemed embossed as through opera glasses, they were real and soft and, at the same time, vaguely distaste ful; like sitting in a boring movie and thinking that, well, still, it'd be worse out in the street, and staying. A cup of a marvelous golden broth came, smelling of leeks, celery and parsley. A small hunk of bread, more precious than a whole banquet,found itself crumbling lit tle by little. His arm hardly hurt him at all, and only in the eyebrow where they'd taken stitches a quick, hot pain siz zled occasionally.When the big windows across the way turned to smudges of dark blue, he thought it would not be difficult for him to sleep. Still on hisback so a little un comfortable, running his tongue out over his hot, too-dry lips, he tasted the broth still, and with a sigh of bliss, he let himself drift off. First there was a confusion, as of one drawing all his sensations, for that moment blunted or muddled, into himself. He realized that he wasrunning in pitch dark ness, although, above, the sky criss-crossed withtreetops was less black than the rest. The trail,† he thought, â€Å"I've gotten off the trail. † His feet sank into a bed of leaves and mud, and then he couldn't take a step that the branches of shrubs did not whiplash against his ribsand legs. Out of breath, knowing despite the darkness and silence that hewas surrounded, he crouched down to listen. Maybe the trail was very near, with the first daylight he would be able to see it again. Nothing now could help him to find it. The hand that had unconsciously gripped the haft of the dagger climbed like a fen scorpion up to his neck where the protecting amulet hung.Barely moving his lips, he mumbled thesupplication of the corn which brings about the beneficent moons, and the prayer to Her Very High ness, to the distributor of all Motecan possessions. At the same time he felt his ankles sinking deeper into the mud, and thewaiting in the darkness of the obscure grove of live oak grew intolerable tohim. The war of the blossom had started at the beginning of the moon and had been going on for three days and three nights now. If he man aged tohide in the depths of the forest, getting off the trail further up past the marsh country, perhaps the warriors wouldn't follow his track.He thought of the many prison ers they'd already taken. But the number didn't count,only the consecrated period. The hunt would continue until the priests gave the sign to return. Everything had its number and its limit, and it was within the sacred period, and he on the other side from the hunters. He heard the cries and leaped up, knife in hand. As if the sky wereaflame on the horizon, he saw torches mov ing among the branches, very near him. The smell of war was unbearable, and when the first enemy jumped him, leaped at his throat, he felt an almost-pleasure in sinking thestone blade flat to the haft into his chest.The lights were already around him, the happy cries. He managed to cut the air once or twice, then a ropesnared him from behind. â€Å"It's the fever,† the man in the next bed said. â€Å"The same thing happened to me when they operated on my duode num. Take some wa ter,you'll see, you'll sleep all right. † Laid next to the night from which he came back, the tepid shadow of the ward seemed delicious to him. A vio let lamp kept watch high on the far wall like a guardian eye. You could hear coughing, deep breathing, once ina while a conversation in whispers.Everything was pleas ant and secure,without the chase, no . . . But he didn't want to go on thinking about thenightmare. There were lots of things to amuse himself with. He began tolook at the cast on his arm, and the pulleys that held it so com fortably inthe air. They'd left a bottle of mineral water on the night table beside him. He put the neck of the bottle to his mouth and drank it like a preciousliqueur. He could now make out the different shapes in the ward, the thirty beds, the closets with glass doors. He guessed that his fever was down,his face felt cool.The cut over the eye brow barely hurt at all, like arecollection. He saw himself leaving the hotel again, wheeling out thecy cle. Who'd have thought that it would end like this? He tried to fix themoment of the accident exactly, and it got him very angry to notice that there was a void there, an emptiness he could not manage to fill. Betweenthe impact and the mo ment that they picked him up off the pavement, the pass ing out or what went on, there was nothing he could see. And at thesame time he had the feeling that this void, this nothingness, had lasted aneternity.No, not even time, more as if, in this void, he had passed acrosssome thing, or had run back immense distances. The shock, the brutal dashing against the pavement. Anyway, he had felt an immense relief incoming out of the black pit while the people were lifting him off the ground. With pain in the broken arm, blood from the split eyebrow, contusion on theknee; with all that, a relief in returning to daylight, to the day, and to feel sustained and attended. That was weird. Someday he'd ask the doctor at the office about that.Now sleep began to take over again, to pull himslowly down. The pillow was so soft, and the coolness of the mineral water in his fevered throat. The violet light of the lamp up there was beginning toget dimmer and dim mer. As he was sleeping on his back, the position in which he came to did not surprise him, but on the other hand the damp smell, the smell of oozing rock, blocked his throat and forced him to understand. Open the eyes and look in all directions, hopeless. He was surrounded by an absolutedarkness. Tried to get up and felt ropes pinning his wrists and ankles.Hewas staked to the ground on a floor of dank, icy stone slabs. The cold bit into his naked back, his legs. Dully, he tried to touch the amulet with hischin and found they had stripped him of it. Now he was lost, no prayer could save him from the final . . . From afar off, as though filtering throughthe rock of the dungeon, he heard the great kettledrums of the feast. They had carried him to the temple, he was in the underground cells of Teo calli itself, awaiting his turn. He heard a yell, a hoarse yell that rocked off the walls. Another yell,ending in a moan.It was he who was screaming in the darkness, he wasscreaming because he was alive, his whole body with that cry fended off what was coming, the inevitable end. He thought of his friends filling up theother dungeons, and of those already walk ing up the stairs of the sacrifice. He uttered another choked cry, he could barely open his mouth, his jawswere twisted back as if with a rope and a stick, and once in a while they would open slowly with an endless exertion, as if they were made of rubber. The creaking of the wooden latches jolted him like a whip. Rent,writhing, he fought to rid himself of the cords sinking into his flesh.His right arm, the strongest, strained until the pain became unbear able and he had to give up. He watched the double door open, and the smell of the torchesreached him before the light did. Barely girdled by the ceremonial loincloths , the priests' acolytes moved in his direction, looking at him withcontempt. Lights reflected off the sweaty torsos and off the black hair dressed with feathers. The cords went slack, and in their place thegrappling of hot hands, hard as bronze; he felt himself lifted, still face up,and jerked along by the four acolytes who carried him down the passageway.The torchbearers went ahead, indistinctly light ing up the corridor with its dripping walls and a ceiling so low that the acolytes had to duck their heads. Now they were taking him out, taking him out, it was the end. Face up, under a mile of living rock which, for a succession of moments,was lit up by a glimmer of torchlight. When the stars came out up thereinstead of the roof and the great terraced steps rose before him, on firewith cries and dances, it would be the end.The passage was never going to end, but now it was beginning to end, he would see sud denly the opensky full of stars, but not yet, they trundled him along endles sly in thereddish shadow, hauling him roughly along and he did not want that, but how to stop it if they had torn off the amulet, his real heart, the life center. In a single jump he came out into the hospital night, to the high,gentle, bare ceiling, to the soft shadow wrapping him round. He thought hemust have cried out, but his neighbors were peacefully snoring.The water in the bottle on the night table was somewhat bubbly, a translucent shapeagainst the dark azure shadow of the windows. He panted, looking for some relief for his lungs, oblivion for those images still glued to his eyelids. Each time he shut his eyes he saw them take shape instantly, and he sat up, completely wrung out, but savoring at the same time the surety that now he was awake, that the night nurse would answer if he rang, that soonit would be daybreak, with the good, deep sleep he usually had at that hour, no im ages, no nothing . . . It was difficult to keep his eyes open, thedrowsiness was more powerful tha n he.He made one last effort, hesketched a gesture toward the bottle of water with his good hand and did not manage to reach it, his fingers closed again on a black emptiness, and the passageway went on endlessly, rock after rock, with momentary ruddy flares, and face up he choked out a dull moan because the roof was about to end, it rose, was opening like a mouth of shadow, and the acolytesstraightened up, and from on high a waning moon fell on a face whoseeyes wanted not to see it, were closing and opening desperately, trying to pass to the other side, to find again the bare, protecting ceiling of the ward.And every time they opened, it was night and the moon, while they climbed the great terraced steps, his head hanging down backward now, and up at he top were the bonfires, red columns of perfumed smoke, and suddenly he saw the red stone, shiny with the blood dripping off it, and the spinning arcs cut by the feet of the victim whom they pulled off to throw him rolling down the no rth steps.With a last hope he shut his lids tightly, moaning towake up. For a second he thought he had gotten there, because oncemore he was immobile in the bed, except that his head was hanging downoff it, swinging. But he smelled death, and when he opened his eyes hesaw the blood-soaked fig ure of the executioner-priest coming toward himwith the stone knife in his hand.He managed to close his eyelids again,although he knew now he was not going to wake up, that he was awake,that the marvelous dream had been the other, absurd as all dreams are-adream in which he was going through the strange avenues of anastonishing city, with green and red lights that burned without fire or smoke, on an enormous metal insect that whirred away between his legs. In the infinite he of the dream, they had also picked him up off the ground,some one had approached him also with a knife in his hand, approached him who was lying face up, face up with his eyes closed between thebonfires on the steps.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Neolithic Revolution Essay

The Neolithic Revolution was a fundamental change in the way people lived. The shift from hunting & gathering to agriculture led to permanent settlements, the establishment of social classes, and the eventual rise of civilizations. It was a revolution of achieving social and technological advances, while economic, political, and social changes resulted from the rise of cities, allowing the ability to support an increasingly large population. Therefore, the Neolithic Revolution led to the seven traits of civilization. Prior to the Neolithic Revolution’s transformations, people were forced to hunt for their own food. This resulted in humans following their food sources’ trail, whether it be hunting an animal, or essential natural resources. Because of the fact that people were constantly shifting from area to area based on their food, this labeled them as nomads; people who did not have a permanent home or residence. Due to the lack of food, there was a small population. Then, gradually, the Neolithic Revolution began to take place at different times and different places, a time period where humans shifted from gathering and hunting food to producing it. People began domesticating animals to provide food, as well as plants and crops, which varied depending on climate. As a result of domestication, agriculture began to take form. Agriculture is the farming of animals and plants, which made life easier and enabled people to remain in the same place. These were some of the building block s for civilization that took place during the Neolithic Revolution. Agriculture led to villages because farming encouraged the formation of larger and more stable communities than had existed before Neolithic times. Most hunting humans moved in small groups containing no more than 60 individuals who could not settle in a single spot lest the game run out. With settled agriculture the constraints changed. Communities developed around the cleared and improved fields. Now that food was plentiful and able to be harvested, population strongly increased. With more people and a lack  of diverse jobs, specialization of labor was developed when men and women became artisans, growing increasingly productive and creative. This occurred since farmers grew all the food, and not everyone had to be a farmer. Gradually, humans became innovative and improved quality and numbers of their products. People were slowly yet steadily continuing to progress towards the seven traits of civilization. Specialization of labor began to then lead to the seven traits of civilization. As villages evolved into cities and became more complex, many new jobs developed. For instance, officials gathered taxes, engineers planned irrigation systems, and soldiers defended city walls, resulting in government and military. As life in cities grew increasingly complex, people began to keep permanent records and developed writing. Other humans became skilled artisans who devoted their time to crafts such as baskets, metalwork, or pottery, while others built large public works such as temples or buildings. This was the development of art and architecture. Religion then resulted from things people could not explain, with early civilizations which had formal religious institutions that included ceremonies, rituals, and other forms of worship. As urban societies developed institutions and specialized labor, a social order developed based on people’s occupations, wealth, and influence. Due to their experience with agriculture, humans of the Neolithic Revolution then improved their farming systems and advanced their personal resources to be more productive. As shown, all of the seven traits were a result of the Neolithic Revolution, and led to civilization. The Neolithic Revolution caused the seven traits to take effect. If it weren’t for those traits, we may still be undeveloped nomads today. Having taken a huge step towards modern society, the early humans who lived during the Neolithic Revolution were hard at work in learning how to start a civilization. They have given up their nomadic days and discovered the advantages to settling down in one area. No longer were lives at risk every day. The Neolithic Revolution was the first step in building a modern society where humans can live in peace and not worry about betting on their lives for days’ worth of food and finally able to rest their minds without worry. The Neolithic Revolution was a crucial part of human history and  without it, we would not have civilization.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Impact of power and politics in organisations Essay

More than 40 years ago, Harold Lasswell (1936) defined politics as â€Å"the study of who gets what, when and how†. Certainly who gets what, when, and how are issues of fundamental importance in understanding formal organizations. Nevertheless, organizational politics and power are both topics which are made conspicuous by their absence in management and organization literature. Therefore, power and politics in an organization can now be defined as the management of influence to obtain ends not sanctioned ends through non-sanctioned influence means. The issue of whether or not organizational politics negatively impacts performance requires a specification of the dimensions that are to be used in evaluating organizational performance. For our purposes, performance in an organization refers to any of the standard indicators of organizational well-being, including profit in the case of a business firms and the ability to get projects completed and within budget with respect to non-profit organizations. Making organizations more innovative, responsive and responsible requires focusing on a number of leadership, power and influence issues. These issues are critical in coping with the strategic environmental with all its characteristics and strategic leader performance in that environment. The issues influence developing teams at the strategic level as well as managing organizational processes linked to values and ethnics, organizational culture, visioning and the management of change, such issues include; †¢ Implementing strategic or adaptive change in the face of formidable resistance. †¢ Fostering entrepreneurial and creative behaviour despite strong opposition. †¢ Gaining resources and support from bosses whose personal agenda might include organizational harmful political games. †¢ Avoiding destructive adversarial relationships with others whose help and cooperation are paramount to your success, but who are outside your chain of command and your direct control. †¢ Building and developing an effective teams in an internal environment where the natural tendency is to conflict with each other. †¢ Fostering organizational excellence, innovation and creativity, and not getting mired in bureaucratic politics or dysfunctional power conflicts. For most leaders in an organization, the key to successful implementing organizational change and improving long term performance rests with the leader’s skill in knowing how to make power dynamics work for the organizational, instead of against it. In John Gardner’s power in organization’s he wrote about leadership and power in organizations, notes, â€Å"of course leaders are preoccupied with power! The significant questions are: what means do they use to gain it? How much do they exercise it? † To what ends do they exercise it? He further states, â€Å"Power is the basic energy needed to intimate and sustain action or, to put it another way, the capacity to translate intention into reality and sustain it†. Power is the opportunity to build, to create, to nudge history in a different direction. The concept of organizational politic can be linked to Harold Lasswell’s (1936) where politics involves the exercise of power to get something done, as well as to enhance and protect the vested interests of individuals or groups. Thus, the use of organizational politics suggests that political activity is used to overcome resistance and implies a conscious effort to organize activity to challenge opposition in a priority decision situation. Because of scarce resources and enduring differences, conflict is central to organizational dynamics and power is the most important resource. Conflict is more likely in under bounded systems (less regulation and control) in an over bounded system with power concentrated to the top. Jeffories makes the point that organizations play the political game within the broader governmental context, but these individuals also play politics within organizations. And power is key in both cases, because it confers the ability both to allocate resources- in itself a way to increase power and to consolidate power by bringing others with similar goals and objectives into the inner decision making core. Drummond, Helga asserted that organization diversity, interdependence, resource scarcity, and power dynamics will inevitably generate political forces regardless of the players. Organizational politics cannot be eliminated or fantasized away. Leaders with s healthy power motive can learn to understand and manage political processes in the organization. Power in an organization is attractive because it confers the ability to influence decisions, about who gets want resources, what goals are pursued, what philosophy the organization adopts, and power also gives a sense of control over outcomes and may in fact convey such enhance control. In conclusion, the impact of politics and power cannot be over emphasized because it is the only means through which an organization can achieve it goals and objectives without being too personal. SOURCES 1. Drummond, Helga (2000): introduction to Organizational Business. 2.Allen, R. W, & Porter, L. W. : Organizational politics and its effects on members. 3. Harold Lasswell: Organizational politics and its effects on members. Organizational behaviour 4. David K. Banner: Designing effective organisations 5. Stephen Robbins: The Truth about Managing People and Nothing but the Truth. 6. Willie E. Hopkins: Aligning organizational subcultures for competitive advantage 7. Mishane and Von Glinow: Organisational behaviour 8. Kreitner and Kinicki: Organizational behaviour 9. Stephen J. Zaccaro: The Nature of Organizational Leadership.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Explain the mechanism of the money multiplier. How can the monetary Essay

Explain the mechanism of the money multiplier. How can the monetary authorities influence its size and the supply of money - Essay Example To this, there will be answering of the study question, â€Å"What is a Money Multiplier?† An economic view will be maintained in this study. The money multiplier is also known as the deposit or the credit multiplier. From the simple point of view, the term multiplier means the magnitude by which money supply expands and this is usually bigger than the rise in the equivalent monetary base. Thus, if the multiplier stands at 20, then it follows that an increase of $1 in the underlying monetary base will lead to a $20 rise in the supply of money. (, 2011) Money multipliers can be divided into several types. One of these multipliers is the deposit expansion multiplier. This type of multiplier measures by what magnitude money supply can be increased from the original deposit. Thus, the formula that shows how the deposit expansion multiplier works is as under; Where; Reserve requirement is the set deposit reserve for all commercial banks by the equivalent central bank. Taking that the set reserve requirement is 10%, then it follows that the deposit expansion multiplier is Thus, if the one applies the multiplier computed before, and taking that the excess reserves from the original deposit are $800. The potential money supply expansion (M1) is to be determined as follows: M1, which is the sum of the original deposit ($1,000) plus the $16,000 that has been created is, therefore, $17,000. Note that the formula presented is what is usually referred to as the simple money multiplier. (Morton and Goodman, 2003 p197) Under the deposit expansion multiplier there are various assumptions that have to be considered. This is to ensure that the explanations presented make sense. These are with the inclusion of the bank customer’s usage of cheques to pay each other as opposed to usage of cash, banks usually keep a particular deposits’ fraction to take care of the central bank’s reserve

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Quiestion 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Quiestion 1 - Essay Example I was not really thinking of how my audience would feel as they read through my essay. Maybe, at some point in my essay, I was subconsciously trying to persuade my readers into believing that I made the right decision to join the Navy. However, that was not intentional on my part. I was simply stating facts in my life and I was not really aware as to how this would impact on my audience. To my knowledge, my writing style was not in any manner influenced by my audience. I wrote the essay as if I was just writing in my diary. I did not have any style of writing in mind. All I wanted to do was to be able to share my experience. It did not matter if my audience would judge me for the decisions that I made during the span of my career. I did not care even if I would be judged rightly or wrongly for the career path that I took. I wrote my experience as honestly as I can. All I wanted was to stick to the facts, unmask my true feelings and be credible, even if my audience was not interested. Project 3 My audience is my primary consideration while I was writing this essay on the need to abolish capital punishment. I wanted to get their 100% attention because I wanted to drive a point to them. At any one point of my essay, I wanted to be convincing enough so that my audience will believe the idea I was trying to espouse. On the first part of my essay, I presented to my audience that capital punishment is against the United States constitution. I also explained how the punishment is executed. I explained how lethal injection affects the person being executed. It is my purpose to present facts first to my audience so that they may have some basis for whatever decision they will come up with regards to the legality, as well as the morality of the death penalty. While writing my essay, I put in mind that my audience could be divided into three categories. First are the advocates of death penalty. Second, are the people who like me, are against capital punishment. The third c ategory is the undecided. These are the people who are still trying to weigh things and looking at the advantages and disadvantages of death penalty. I think that my essay is more directed to those belonging to the third category, the undecided. They are the people who need a lot of convincing. They are the reason why I chose the writing style that I resorted to which is the appeal to the emotions. Most of the words that I used are very emphatic and aims to touch their hearts. At the same time, I also appealed to their intellectual capacities by citing various facts and findings regarding the disadvantages of death penalty. I had to present some information on the flaws of the United States’ justice system and the abolition of capital punishment on most developed countries. I wanted to convince my audience that death penalty is inhuman, if not barbaric. With regards to my writing style, I tried to be very persuasive in order to put my audience into action against death penalt y. I often used thought- provoking questions and presented it to my audience to get them into thinking seriously on the negative effects of death penalty and why it should be abolished. I tried my best to be very purposeful in the sentences that I used. In conclusion, I think that if I chose a scholarly writing style, I would not be as effective in persuading my audience to abhor and act against the death penalty. Since my goal is not only to inform but to persuade my audience, the appeal to

Monday, August 26, 2019

Theatre Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Theatre Performance - Essay Example The first difficulty I faced preparing the monologue was to learn the words by heart. In order to perform well, I needed to know it perfectly not to forget it even when I would be nervous or lost. I had to force myself to learn the text and it took some time to make sure that I would not fail. There were some lines that were the most difficult for me. I missed them many times when I practiced alone and with a friend and it made me frustrated because my performance was awful when I stopped and tried to recollect everything. I turned out that learning the text was not the most difficult part of my preparations. I had to perform; accordingly, I needed to focus on emotions, mimics and actions related to my role. Staging was hard because I had to keep everything natural but persuasive. It was complicated to find the right balance between these two options. I did not want to look indifferent on the stage; at the same time, I was afraid that I would exaggerate everything and spoil my role. Moreover, I had to do everything is a set time frame. Performance contained a sequence of actions that had to happen in the right time and place. I could not improvise or change anything. It was stressful at first, but it added a better organization to my performance. Staging was particularly hard because I performed the role of a man and I had to control my voice all the time not to sound feminine. This required the control of every word I said. Even all exclamations had to be more male. The switch from Harry to Handy Baker was not easy and I spent much time training it. I had a hoarse voice because my vocal cords were not used to such a pressure. Due to this fact I had to make pauses and relax to minimise the effect of my role on my ordinary voice. The issue of confidence came next. I was very nervous when I thought about public performance of the monologue.  

Discussion Board creminal justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Discussion Board creminal justice - Essay Example (Burright) Nonetheless, in recent past the privatization of prisons and jails found the way back into the criminal justice, once again arousing a wave of controversy and debate. Over-crowded correctional facilities, decreasing revenues, increasing crime rates, public call for more prison sentences and longer criminals' incarceration are among the factors that forced the nation's prison system to once again consider the option of private contracting to provide privatization of prisons and jails. ... Considering all these benefits, by 1987, three States had approved legislation authorizing private businesses to operate the State correctional facilities. At present, there are a lot of states and counties that have prisons being operated by private companies. So while the legal aspects of government delegating its responsibility for the custody of an individual to private organizations was much discussed in the 1980s, today it is clear that "objections to prison privatization on constitutional delegation grounds have little force". (McDonald, p.6) It is interesting that with so many privately operated correctional institutions in the country, there is no any case law to define exactly how general process standards are applied to private jails and prisons. There is no special legislation defining the authority of private contractors regarding use of force, especially deadly force. Privately run facilities usually lack legal authority to respond to various critical situations, e.g. escape and other emergencies. There is a great need for legislation that would govern these practices. Without proper legal solution to this absence of the relevant law of jurisdiction, it is quite possible that private companies will have to face civil or criminal liability. Special legal questions arise when sending prisoners from a certain jurisdiction to another, privately operated one. Some jurisdictions rely on contracts, others - on intermediary governments when placing prisoners in private jails. There is no common ground and these inter-juris dictional issues also put a question mark on the sufficiency of legal regulation and authority. To address other reasons proponents of prisons privatization offer, one should mention that there is no strong evidence to support the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Reducing Ambiguities in Customer Requirements Through Historical Dissertation

Reducing Ambiguities in Customer Requirements Through Historical Knowledge - Dissertation Example On the contrary, adverse scenarios develop and complex designs are continually expressed, marked by high levels of understandability, verifiability, traceability, and modifiability requirements which are not consistent with intricate situations. The intricate situations increase, creating a design reality for Requirements Engineering processes plagued with uncertainty, vacillation, and visualization. The purpose of this study is to present a more conventional philosophical system of thinking, which is ideally grounded on the value-based approach, and melted down to ideal elucidation process in the rigid scenarios. It will develop a discussion that supports no software engineering may supersede Requirement Engineering. A high degree of quality in Requirement Engineering is paramount to withstand harsh run time errors associated software engineering development. ... 2†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦... Proposed Conceptual Method; Cybulsky, J., and K. Reed. 2000. â€Å"Requirements Classification and Reuse: Crossing Domains Boundaries.† In 6th International Conference on Software Reuse, 190–210. Fig. 3†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.Software and Qualitative Analysis; e-Source. (2013). Software and Qualitative Analysis: The Qualitative Research; Sorting and Coding. Office of Behavioral & Social Sciences Research Fig. 4†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Fig. 5†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ LIST OF TABLES Table 1†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Methodologies for Requirements Engineering Table 2†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Deductive Analysis Steps Table Table Table Table CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION History has shown that insufficient engineering requirements lead to insufficient engineering products and thus, security risks. Requirements Engineering (RE) consists of development and management and is one of the most important disciplines in the development of Software Engineering (SE) soft ware products. According to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK), software requirements can be defined as â€Å"a property which must be exhibited in order to solve some problem in the real world† (Committee 2004). One of the main practices in RE is the elicitation process of software requirements (see fig. 1). During the elicitation process, requirements are analyzed, specified, and verified (SPC, 2002). Software requirements specifications are derived from the requirements elicitation process (see fig. 1). For requirements to be of quality, they must be correct, complete, precise, consistent, verifiable, modifiable, and traceable (Toval et al. 2002). Successful and effective requirements engineering can improve risk management, quality, reusability, and productivity during the software development process. In this study, ambiguities in new customer

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Weekly ass. #11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Weekly ass. #11 - Essay Example Charts are also help especially when they is competition involved, a presenter who uses charts looks better than other presents who do not use charts (Peltier, Parà ¡ 1). Charts may also be beneficial to the presenter since they may hide the fact that the presenter may not know much of the topic he is talking about. In a management meeting there are several types of charts that may be used. Among them is using a pie chart. There is so much that is discussed in meetings which a pie chart can simplify and make it easy for the people attending the meeting to understand. A pie chart may have a legend which is used to show the various aspects that are to be discussed in the meeting. Different colors may be used in labeling the components to be discussed as well as the legend. Usage of different colors in the legend ensures that there is minimal confusion to the recipients on the information. If incase the gradients of the charts are similar when using a 3D pie chart, you can eliminate the legend and data labels within the pie chart (Peltier, Parà ¡ 3). Further improvement may be made by changing the pie graph to a column so as to have distinction in the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Virtue Ethics and Mattel's Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Virtue Ethics and Mattel's Case - Essay Example Truthfulness also means reporting regularly to the board of directors and top management, who at the beginning of GMP, were dedicated to realizing the virtues of their program. They wanted business ethics that had clear standards and measures, and Sethi et al. (2011) helped provide those necessities. The main concern with GMP is the clash between the truthfulness principle and actual reporting practices. After finding problems with one of Mexico’s Mattel plants, operational level managers greatly pressured MIMCO to change its draft report, and suggested that the council overreacted to â€Å"isolated instances† (Sethi et al., 2011, p. 497). MIMCO received a â€Å"list of changes in language† and were asked to include them in the draft report (Sethi et al., 2011, p. 497). This challenge shows the difference between operational managers’ and top management’s commitment to GMP. Apparently, commitment discrepancy exists between the top and operational ma nagers, which undermine the truthfulness of GMP. Courage is another virtue that does not depend sacrificing people’s lives, but on moral courage, where people are not afraid to know and to accept the truth, as well as to use the truth to do what is right (Harper, 2008, p. 197). Solomon (1993) argued that moral courage concerns a process of understanding the big picture, the mission and goals of the organization, and how the organization can attain the best intentions (p. 48). It refers to sticking to the best intentions, however difficult it might be. Being courageous can then be related to truthfulness, because the brave does not fear the truth. When Mattel asked Sethi to lead the...Justice is fundamental to Mattel because it affects GMP’s policies, procedures, and outcomes. Justice concerns being fair to others and responding to unjust policies, procedures, and outcomes. In business, justice refers to the rules and procedures that people use to attain justice, when m aking decisions . Justice concentrates on giving people what is due to them, by respecting their rights and fairly rewarding perceived performance in the workplace. To evaluate the fairness of ethical decisions, three kinds of justice are often used. Distributive justice is the first form of justice, and it pertains to evaluating the outcomes of business decisions and transactions. For Mattel, it seeks to promote distributive justice because it is concerned about the equity of its decision outcomes. The company promotes fair hiring and workplace conditions, for instance, that served workers’ interests. On the contrary, Mattel cannot attain distributive justice, when its licensees are concerned. GMP applied only to companies owned and/or managed by Mattel, which does not include licensees. Justice for all employees cannot be attained through selective auditing policies.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Vulnerable Population in Current Events Essay Example for Free

Vulnerable Population in Current Events Essay Vulnerability comes in different shapes and forms. It applies to different settings and also populations. Vulnerability has two categories; individualize that means a person is vulnerable within a context. The other is a group, because of susceptibility to external or internal factors directly related to a population despite what is occurring with other people or groups (De Chesney, P. 3 2012). Here the focus is on a vulnerable population of obese patients. The article speaks about how health care providers can have stigmatizing attitudes toward obese patients (Malterud Ulriksen, 2011,p. 1). Highlighted factors focus on the barriers the obese population encounters by providers who have made prejudgments on the patients, how it affects the outcome of the care of the patients and what effects it has for their road to recovery. A vulnerable population according to De Chesney (2012) is defined as a group of people at risk of poor physical, psychological or social health. Vulnerability by virtue in status. A group of people who are at risk at any given point relative to another individual or group (p. 4). The obese patients are the vulnerable population because of their genetic predispositions and life circumstances. They are not categorized by their cultural vulnerability but rather due to this similar physical nature. In the article the obese patients faced many barriers, which prevented them from obtaining the resources need. Many of them were viewed as patients who did not take responsibility for their eating habits or did not have the motivation and will power to succeed in their predisposition. Providers view them as the main cause for the obesity and non-improvement. â€Å" A recent review demonstrated that also health care providers endorsed stereotypical assumptions about patients with obesity and attribute obesity to blame† (Malterud Ulriksen, 2011,p. 1). â€Å"The stigmas and prejudgments of the providers and society are seen as exploitation (keeping people down), norm enforcement (keeping people in), and disease avoidance (keeping people away†) (De Chesney, 2011, p. 1). Many of the patients believed their needs were not met as far as caring for their health conditions because many of the doctors were associating every issue, symptoms, or discomfort to their weight. Also many of the obese patients thought they did not have the equal amount of care, time or consideration as other patients because they were believed to be lazy. However, the study also showed providers supportive of the obese patient also feels a sense of discomfort when caring for him or her. A situation, which showed female nurses who believed fat, was unhealthy, and related to coronary heart disease wanted to enforce the importance of weight loss. Many of them did express they felt uncomfortable to do so in fear of insulting the patient or making him or her feel uncomfortable. They had seen the discussion of weight as a sensitive topic. This made them pass on giving the education (Malterud Ulriksen, 2011, p. 4). In experiences during one’s nursing career many situations come to mind when thinking of an obese patient, prejudgment, and stigmas that are related. One can recall a few situations, such as nurses immediately becoming upset because the patient does not fit on the bed. If the patient is admitted the process of calling bed board to bring down a â€Å"Big boy bed to accommodate the large patient seemed to annoy the nurse. Other reasons, such as testing or meeting the needs of comfort for the patient. What seemed to be out of the ordinary routine for their patient the nurses tended to become annoyed and did not realize the patients are very much aware of his or her feelings and stigma toward them. If an obese patient needs different accommodations it is not his or her fault. Should the blame not be placed on the facility for not providing small things such as large gown, larger stretchers, and easier ways of transportation for the larger patients. Society decided to place a label on a patient who may not have control over his or her size and has enforced it to apply to the country. The only way this problem will improve if it starts with the health care system and providers. In conclusion the vulnerable population of obese patients need to be cared for by providers who have empathy toward them. It is important to the patients care and does not add stress to an already difficult situation (Malterud Ulriksen, 2011). They need to support the patients and provide them with other avenues and build on the confidence need to succeed. The stigmatization needs to end and not incorporate it into the care. According to Malterud and Ulriksen (2011) â€Å"Existing research indicates that such attitudes may actually increase the maladaptive eating behaviors, exercise avoidance and in some cases reduce motivation to lose weight.† (p. 10). Therefore, health care professional who have obese patients to care for are the first line of defense to brake the bad habits and stigmas associated with obesity. A provider has to recognize the effort their patients have tried to make in managing their weight issues (Malterud Ulriksen, 2011). References De Chesney, M. (2012). Caring for the Vulnerable: Perspectives in Nursing Theory, Practice and Research, 3e. Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Malterud, K., Ulriksen, K. (2011). Obesity, stigma, and responsibility in health care: A synthesis of qualitative studies. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 6(4), 1-11. Retrieved from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Aims and Objectives Essay Example for Free

Aims and Objectives Essay Hypothesis: Shopping centres in the Central Business District area are better in the sense that they provide a higher level of quality and variety of goods than the shopping centres in the residential areas. Aims and objectives: * Our general objective is to compare and contrast two shopping centres in the Central Business District (CDB) against another two shopping centres in the residential areas. We are also keen to investigate the various factors that influence the people’s decision to patronise the particular shopping centres. For example, the shopping malls in the CDB areas might be a better place to shop in terms of shopping quality and variety but on the other hand, the shopping malls in the residential areas might appeal to the public better in terms of close proximity to their homes and convenience. Our studies will intend to find out the link that exists between the shopping centres of our choice, and uncover a pattern that we will be going in further detail in our results and findings according to public opinion through means like surveys and in addition, our own feelings on the contributing factors or reasons. Our main focus would be the quality of shopping provided by the shopping mall. This includes the services, accessibility and the facilities provided that improves the shopping experience for the patrons. We will be taking surveys of the patrons there to find out their feelings about the shopping mall and its quality. We would also go there and do general analysis of the mall ourselves. This is to give us a base of comparison between our ideas of good quality compared to the peoples’ idea of good quality observed in a shopping mall.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Healthcare Illness Spain

Healthcare Illness Spain Healthcare and Health Policy in Spain Introduction Health care is the prevention, treatment, and management of illness and the preservation of mental and physical well being through the services offered by the medical, nursing, and allied health professions. According to the World Health Organization, health care embraces all the goods and services designed to promote health, including â€Å"preventive, curative and palliative interventions, whether directed to individuals or to populations†.(WHO, 2000). Health care policy shapes health care systems and helps determine accessibility, accountability and affordability. Knowledge of health care systems includes and understands the organization and environment in which nursing and health care is provided.  Healthcare in Spain in general has three main characteristics: ( Ferrandiz, 2003)First the Spanish health sector is mainly public both in terms of financing and delivery, about 80% is funded and provided by public institutions. Second, public insurance coverage of the general population is over 99.5% where only few groups of independent professionals and immigrants under special conditions are not covered by law. Third, is how the healthcare system financed? In Spain it is financed through general taxation. The National Health Service started in the 1940s wherein it is originally funded by social security, over the years they needed additional funding and this came from the general taxation. And now it is clear that 98% of the funding in Spanish healthcare comes from general taxation. The healthcare and health policy in UK is somewhat different from Spain. The comparison between the two countries is enumerated below. In the conclusion the writer will analyze the significance of having a good healthcare system and policy. Healthcare in Spain In healthcare Spain is said to be much better as compared with UK. Spain has a public health system which provides free or low cost health care for those contributing to the Spanish social security system and their families. The system also caters for retirees and includes those from other EU countries. The country has an excellent system of private medicine and this exists comfortably alongside the State system with both operated so as to complement each other. The Spanish health care system is rated ninth in the World by the World Health Organisation far above that of the UKs. In Spain there are two types of hospitals operating, one private and one operated by the state. The private hospital offers immediate treatment with patients being accommodated in single rooms. The state hospital offers the same convenience. Both hospitals pool resources to the benefit of private and state patient alike. Because of the comprehensive policies in Spain the health services for patient such as CT scan or laboratories are 40-70% cheaper than in UK. To equality among its citizens Spain has passed a law called law of quality and health cohesion. It means that by law the citizens have the right to enjoy the same health services including pharmaceuticals with the same conditions regarding social participation, accessibility, time, information, security and quality independently of where they live. And according to the ministry of health, this is their first great law of healthcare since the 21st century. In Spain there is a pharmaceutical policy that is now being introduced in UK. This has been existed in Spain for many years; it is one of approaching the local pharmacist for minor ills. Pharmacists have an excellent reputation for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment and are able to issue all but controlled drugs. In no time at all theyll have you feeling better. In Spain there are several ways to contact a doctor or have an appointment if you are sick. You can just text the word â€Å"Urgencias† to the telephone number 5013 and you will be informed of the waiting time before your appointment. This is very convenient especially for the elders. Another way to consult the doctor is thru the web. Healthcare system and policies in Spain is very much effective as compared to UKs healthcare system. In many ways it puts the UK health service to shame and refreshingly, there are never lengthy debates on television about it or do you hear of people complaining. Regarding their pharmaceutical policy, there are no prescription charges for drugs in Spain patients pay the full price and then claim back a significant percentage. However, those from the UK are somewhat surprised when they learn that most prescriptions cost far less than the UK prescription charge and surprised again when they learn at just how much can be reclaimed. One advantage of UK healthcare system is when a foreigner got sick. Although there is no right to state medicine in Spain for a foreigner, (unless on holiday and carrying the EU health card) it is often the case that those from the UK have enough contributions on their cards to permit state medicine up until the age of their retirement, when everything, including the cost of medications becomes absolutely free. The standard of medicine is very high in Spain, but it depends very much on location. Rural areas in Spain are being served only by a clinic- transferring patients out to hospitals as required. Good medicine will still be available but not as instantly. However, most inland locations favoured by foreigners are not too far from a good hospital and healthcare in Spain is something about which you need have no concern. Conditions such as rheumatism, arthritis and those affecting people in the middle to late age, are not the problem in Spain as compared to UK and colder Northern European countries. Climate definitely does seem to have a positive effect on health and well being in many cases. Of interest is the fact that depression is nowhere near as common in Spain as is the case in the UK. No doubt this is also concerned with the climate and bright sunshine. Conclusion A good and effective healthcare system and policy is important in every nation. Proper studies and approaches should be done to be able to lessen the burden of the sick people. The convenience of the patient and equality of treatment is important no matter you are in a private or state hospital. As shown above Spain healthcare system and policy are very much effective as compared to UK. The only advantage that UK has is on the policy about treating foreigners. In Spain people get sick people get well is their focus.    Reference: Spanish Health Care Service- Healthcare in Spain World Heath Organization Report. (2000). Chapter 1: Why do health systems matter?. WHO. Retrieved on 2008-03-08. Ferrandiz, J.M. (2003) The Spanish Health System : Reforms, Problems and Solutions,

Dress Code :: essays research papers

Dress code has been the biggest topic between the Board officials and parents. There have been many decisions and arguments that were worked out by administration and local school, often at the request of parents. There should be a dress code for students for several reasons.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many public schools today are making dangerous decisions and these decisions may end up saving someone's life. The decisions are about school uniforms and dress codes. Public schools are beginning to open their eyes to the real world and see what their students are wearing and what the clothes are about. Some schools have banned any clothes with inappropriate symbols or sayings. Baggy wear is very dangerous. Schools are now even taking away the privilege of those clothes for the reason that weapons and other dangerous, illegal items may be smuggled in under loose pants, hats, shirts and jackets.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The cost of maintaining a stylish wardrobe can be expensive. Many families have more important things to spend their money on than the image of school children. The dress code may be a way to keep the costs of school down for those families. In some schools, there has even been fighting or stealing based on expensive sneakers or jewelry. There are many clothes in fashion for boys and girls which are not appropriate for school dress. Good taste and common sense should dictate parental and student choice of school clothes. The school will determine what is not appropriate dress, even if it conforms to current fashion. Also, school dress should not be viewed as a daily fashion show.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In this essay I had many compelling reason why there should be dress codes for students. I think that schools should have dress codes because it they can help people

Monday, August 19, 2019

How does Bram Stoker create fear and suspense during Jonathan Harkers

How does Bram Stoker create fear and suspense during Jonathan Harker's encounter with the three young women in chapter three of Dracula? 'Dracula' was written 1897 and written in a first person diary format. The extract from chapter three tells us that Jonathan Harker is trapped in Draculas castle. He has discovered that he is alone with Dracula and in the previous chapter has seen him coming from one of the lower windows, climbing down the wall. Count Dracula has warned Jonathan Harker not to sleep in any other room in the castle but Jonathan has other ideas. "The Counts warning came into my mind, but I took a pleasure in disobeying it." This creates suspense as the reader feels apprehensive for Jonathan and wants to read on to reveal what actually happens. Jonathan then realises someone has appeared in the room with him. "I was not alone." This simple short sentence also creates tension as Jonathan realises he isn't in the room on his own and there are three young women with him. He feels they outnumber him as they do everything together and act as...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Biblical Truths Confirmed by Archaeological Findings Essay -- Religion

Biblical Truths Confirmed by Archaeological Findings Abstract Statement I have chosen a subject that is very important to me. As a Bible major, I believe the Word of God is vital and essential and that it is the only clear direction in life. Personally, I believe by faith the Bible is true from the first word in Genesis to the last word in Revelation. However, there are times when we need physical evidence to confirm our faith proving that the Bible does not just contain interesting stories, but is based rather on historical fact. I have always been interested in archaeological findings seeing the amazing discoveries being made everyday. For instance, through these discoveries we now have confirmed evidence of the Kingdom of David, the reign of King Herod, the affirmation of biblical text shown through the Dead Sea Scrolls, and much more! In my research, I would like to examine archaeological findings that confirm the biblical accounts. The information has changed my spiritual life and I am sure it will do the same for you. Introduction I am fascinated with the information I have learned through my research and college studies concerning Archaeology. In this paper I will endeavor to relate my personal interest in the subject matter, discuss a few of my favorite archaeological finds, and then conclude with King Herod’s most cherished creation – Caesarea Maritima. This has not only proven to be a marvelous creation, but an even better archaeological find! National Standards I believe there are several standards that are closely aligned with biblical archaeology. The three standards I feel are most important are under the Places and Regions element. This includes Knows ... ...ill find! For me this research proved to be an essential area for my studies and Christian life. I have found it to be a source of strength, assurance, and stronger faith towards knowing that the Word of God can be respected and trusted. Thank God. Works Cited International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, Electronic Database copyright 1996 by Biblesoft Biblical Archaeology, Tzaferis, Vassilios, Biblical Archaeology Review, January/February 1985, p. 44-53 International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, Electronic Database, copyright 1996 by Biblesoft Biblical Archaeology Review, May/June 1982, p. 26-41 Almighty God, The Bible The Best of Josh McDowell, A Ready Defense, Here’s Life Publishers, October 1990, p. 92 Frank, Harry Thomas. Atlas of the Bible Lands, Hammond Inc., 1990

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Online Dating: Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

Why did George kill Lennie?The book, â€Å"Of Mice and Men†, is written by John Steinbeck. It’s about two men, Lennie and George, who travel together.George is the smart one. He is a gentle and trustworthy person. Lennie is not quite bright. We understand very early in the book that Lennie perhaps has a minor brain damage. He has problems with speaking, repeats himself a lot, and is very immature. George seems to handle this quite fine, but sometimes he gets very mad at Lennie for being such a big baby. George and Lennie travel together from ranch to ranch looking for work. They move a lot, ’cause Lennie always seems to get them into trouble. They have two things; a dream of one day owning their own little house with acres and rabbits, and they’ve got each other. After barely escaping from a ranch up in Weed, Lennie end George get to work on a ranch south of Soledad. Everything works out just fine, until Lennie has a bad accident with the wife to Curley, the boss’s son. As I said, Lennie is not so normal, so can’t control his strength right. Without meaning it, Lennie breaks the woman’s neck. He gets frightened and run off, to hide in the brushes. When the men at the Ranch discover this crime, they understand that Lennie is the killer. They take their dogs and shotguns, and go out to find and kill Lennie. George waits until the men have left, cause he knows where Lennie is. He now has three choices: He could find Lennie and run away with him, he could let the other men kill Lennie, or he could kill Lennie himself. He chose the last option. I think it was right of George to kill Lennie himself. If they had decided to run away together, they would probably been caught. And if them both got caught, they would probably both get shot. The men would think that George had helped Lennie killing Curley’s wife. And George obviously didn’t want to die. George didn’t have heart to let the other men kill Lennie. He knew that Lennie wouldn’t make it out alive of this mess, and George could never let the man he was responsible for, get killed by Curley out of revenge. Lennie didn’t know what he was doing when he killed her, and it was not fair that he should get killed out of hate. George had learned a lot about this from Candy, an old man living at the ranch. Candy had an old dog that was sick and not very popular, ’cause it smelled and wasn’t no good to anyone. The ranch- men wanted to get it killed, but Candy couldn’t kill it. Candy had had that dog since it was a puppy. Therefore, Candy let another man kill his dog. And Candy told George he regretted it afterwards. â€Å"I ought to of shoot that dog myself, George. I shouldn’t ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog, said Candy.† You can compare Candy’s dog to Lennie. You could say that Lennie was George’s dog, and Candy had learned that if a good friend’s death was certain, it might as well be a friend who knows him and cares about him that kills him. Lennie had to be killed by George, and George killed him out of love. I think it was a hard decision for George to kill his best friend, but it was the right one. Lennie and George couldn’t always be on the run. Lennie couldn’t keep on hurting other people, even if it wasn’t on purpose. George had a hard time, standing there with Carlson’s gun pointed at Lennie’s back head, while telling him about their dream. But at last, George pulled the trigger, and Lennie died. Lennie chose to live, and he didn’t let no stranger shoot his best friend.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Effect of Social Media in the Business World

The Effect of Social Media in the Business World Imagine, for a moment, you are an employee in a business setting. Do you find yourself on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest during work? Perhaps you are reading information on Wikipedia or watching videos on YouTube? These are all forms of social media. Today our world is engulfed by it. These sites can be great tools to advertise for a business or to access information, but they can also be abused. In the workplace, social media can be a distraction to employees and make them less efficient.In today’s world, employers are always looking for a process to limit the abuse of these tools and to find means to utilize it instead, all while remaining cost efficient in terms of Hardware and Software. The research that follows uncovers the pros and cons of social media within a business. In addition, social media will be defined and facts will be included as to how many employees utilize these sites on a daily basis. It is also important for the owners of a company to discuss the legalities and hidden costs associated with the social media sites, in relation to businesses.Social Media Defined Social media is defined as a two way communication stream where the publisher and the reader can interact with each other (Nations). The most popular social media sites are Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Facebook is an online community that allows people to connect with friends, family, colleagues, and classmates. Facebook can also allow businesses to create profiles for advertising purposes. YouTube is a social media site that allows people to publish videos that anyone can access.This has become a way for people to get their name out there if they are waiting to be discovered in the music industry, comedy world, sports, and many other things. Twitter is a type of blogging site, where an individual records opinions or information on a regular basis. Twitter is called micro blogging because the users write short posts that are 140 characters or less (Senior Net). There are also Wiki sites. Wiki sites allow the users to write and edit the content contained on the site. The most common Wiki site is Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a very useful tool for learning information about a certain topic.Though is not a very reliable source for citing information because it is written by internet users (Senior Net). Social Media Use Is on the Rise Social networking sites have become part of most Americans everyday lives. According to Joanna Brenner of Pew Internet, â€Å"sixty nine percent of online adults use a social networking site. † The most common site used by internet users is Facebook. This includes employees during the working hours. According to Janie Smith of The City Wire an average person checks their email or Facebook 34 times a day collectively.This number is substantial compared to years previous; and if the employees of a company are checking social media sites during the work day for personal reason s, it lessens productivity. Many companies have put in social media policies to restrict the use of the sites during the day. According to a study done by Benjamin Shipley III a lawyer for Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon and Galchus P. C. , the largest problem is: â€Å"fifty percent of employees ignore these policies and check their sites. † Mobile Devices make it easy for the employees to still access social media sites during the work day.In a study done by Pew Internet & American Life Project, forty six percent of Americans are now using smartphones, making these sites accessible right at the employees’ fingertips. Facebook sites can be open for anyone to see and social media sites are starting to become a place that future employers will look when they are doing background checks on possible future employees. A study done by Benjamin Shipley III states, â€Å"it has become a common practice to check out the future employees social networking sites before hiring them. Sixty percent of employers currently observe this practice. With that being said, it is very important that individuals are more cautious to the information they are exploiting to the world. Legalities Surrounding Social Media The battle of between the appropriateness of published information on social networking sites has started to take off. People do not understand the difference between freedom of speech and defamation. Freedom of speech is the right to express opinions without censorship or restraint, while defamation is a false or malicious accusation of someone’s words or actions (Merriam-Webster).Many lawsuits have arisen because of this misunderstanding. Social media sites have affected employees’ style of communication, productivity, and separation of work and personal. Today there is not as much face-to-face communication in the work place because it is faster and more efficient to communicate over the internet. A huge risk factor of using social media in th e business world is the safety. Social media is not very secure so it is very easy for private company information to be shared. Companies need to have plans in place how to deal with problems that arise from social media (Rauzi).Positive Uses of Social Media Businesses Although many people and employees view social media as a bad thing within the workplace, positive aspects do exist. Social media sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn are great tools for companies to get their name out in the public eye. It is a very easy way with little cost and advertising to acquire a new circle of contacts. With social networking, the company can create a pleasing image of themselves by creating their own professional page. Social networking being virtually free is one of the greatest advantages to using the sites.Businesses can pay thousands of dollars in advertisements but with social media the only cost is paying the person who keeps the sites up to date (Kelleher). The sites are also useful to ols for gathering public opinions on the product that a company sells. In a study done by McKinsey Global Institute, â€Å"ninety percent of the 4,200 businesses surveyed said they benefit from social networking in some way. † Brand awareness and sales are increased by social media sites because the name is out in the business network.Social media helps bring the customers closer to the business because they know more of what is going on within (Rauzi). Overlooked Expenses of Social Media for Businesses Many businesses see social media as a free tool, but there are many hidden costs that are not considered. As mentioned previously, staff is paid to keep the sites up to date. If a company wants their social media sites to be successful, they need an excellent marketer that will always keep the sites up to date, which costs money. Paid marketing will be needed to initially get the companies name noticed.For example, having a paid advertisement banner on Facebook costs money (Co mpare Business). There is also the cost of equipment. Most companies have up to date computer software that would support the use of social media, but not all do. The server needs to be large enough to handle all the traffic going through it. If a company wants a very successful internet campaign, the annual cost is approximately 210,600 dollars (Compare Business). Sometimes, a company needs to spend money to make money. Conclusion Social Media is a very useful tool for the business world as long as the employees do not abuse it.The benefits do outweigh the risks of having a social media friendly company. Employers just need to set boundaries for their employees so that they know what acceptable use of the sites is. Along with setting the boundaries, the employers also have to enforce them so that they will be effective. Social media is not a free way of advertising, but it is very low cost in comparison to other techniques. Overall social media is a very useful tool for companies, especially as business continues to be in a digital world. Works Cited Brenner, Joanna. Pew Research Center's Internet ; American Life Project. † Pew Internet: Social Networking (full detail). 13 Nov. 2012. Pew Internet & American Life Project. 31 Dec. 2012 . Madden, Mary. â€Å"Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project. † 65% of online adults use social networking sites. 26 Aug. 2011. Pew Research Center. 01 Jan. 2013 . Nations, Daniel. â€Å"What is Social  Media? About. com Web Trends. 1 Jan. 2013 . New, Catherine. â€Å"Smartphones Are Used By Nearly Half Of Americans. † The Huffington Post. 01 Mar. 2012. TheHuffingtonPost. com. 8 Jan. 2013 . Rauzi, Molly. â€Å"The social workplace: Are you prepared? † – Denver Business Journal. 1 Oct. 2012. Denver Business Journal. 01 Jan. 2013

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Cowgirl Chocolates Essay

Marilyn Lysohir and her husband, Ross Coates started Cowgirl Chocolates located on 3rd street in Moscow, Idaho in 1997. Cowgirl Chocolates offered hot and spicy creations in three basic forms: individually wrapped truffles, chocolate bars, and a hot caramel dessert sauce and provided various packaging offers such as gift boxes, collectible tins, plain plastic bags or gold wrappers. Truffles were available in plain chocolate, mint, orange, lime tequila, and espresso and the chocolate bars were available in orange espresso or lime tequila crunch. Despite not paying herself a salary and occasionally bartering her art for services, the small business’s revenues of $30,000 did not come close to covering her $50,000+ in expenses. She just was not sure how to turn her award winning products into a profitable business (Peter/Donnelly, Jr. , pp. 488-491). The following paragraphs are discussion on the relative merits of using a cost-based, demand-based, and competition-based pricing method in reference to Cowgirl Chocolates. Cost-based pricing is a certain amount of everything within the business industry. When deciding on the price of products, a company must first calculate the cost expenses of the production of the items or services. Demand-based pricing represents pricing products by demand flow. When products are in demand then the price of the items can be increased safely. But, if the demand is low then you have to be methodical in your price increase strategy. So it is beneficial to create alternative products just in case is extremely necessary. Demand based pricing is a policy that sets the price of a product according to the perceived amount that customers are willing to pay, rather than according to the production cost (Encarta, 2009). Competition Based pricing compares products in the market to your products and distinguishes whether those products have an advantage over your current products. Four options that Cowgirl Chocolates could consider as far as pricing may be price lining, promotional pricing, premium pricing and demand-based pricing. I would utilize demand based pricing which is a policy that sets the price of a product according to the perceived amount that customers are willing to pay, rather than according to the production cost (Encarta, 2009). It must be recognized also that the effect on profit will be a factor; there may be several factors other than profit influencing the selling price decision. Even taking an iterative approach, it may be unrealistic to expect single demand estimates to be made. Sales demand forecasting is difficult and a range of demand possibilities at each possible selling price may be used to guide management decision making (Coulthurst, 2002). Although I am not usually a chocolate eater, I do have a few recommendations that might have helped Marilyn in her time of decision: †¢ New Market Prospect: Marilyn may want to contact her mentor atâ€Å"Daffins Chocolates† in Sharon, Pennsylvania. She could send him/her a sample of each â€Å"Cowgirl Chocolate† product and ask her mentor’s opinion; if they like the product, then she could ask them if they would be willing to allow her shelf space to market her product. She could capture wholesale and a portion of the retail dollars to dump back into her business. †¢ Repackaging: I originally was going to recommended that she eliminate the multiple colors for the packaging of her products due to the cost but after looking at her website the colors are quite eye catching. I would tell her to capture more capital for her business she should concentrate on the website she has and market that a bit more. The website is more personable and only cost $25. 00 a month and was a third of her product sales; she would also capture the wholesale and retail dollars. Lastly, not everyone likes hot and spicy products so her decision to make a â€Å"mild† line is a great decision and will help her expand her customer base. †¢ Spicy vs. Mild: Cowgirl Chocolates is focused on promoting spicy chocolates, but realistically it should concentrate on a different variety as a back-up plan in the event that demand is low for the spicy version. For Cowgirl Chocolates, most competition in the industry comes from the businesses producing sweet chocolates. Cowgirl Chocolates may have an advantage on packaging and possibly taste for the spicy chocolates but does not have an advantage on sweet chocolates. †¢ Utilize Inventory Wisely: Marilyn needs to cut the labels that she currently has in inventory to fit the tin modifications. She already has $7000 in extra packaging & labels on hand, it is not wise to dump more money into new labels that will cost $395 for a plate/printing die plus $152 for the new labels to be printed. She could offer packaging product in the gift boxes purchased 3 years ago, possibly charging $1. 00 extra to try and capture the $9000 expense. This way at least she can recuperate something for inventory that has proven to be a very bad investment. †¢ Ingredients: They could balance the elements that are contributing to the production costs of the chocolates and then they could balance out with their competitions. This way the company would be able to increase market demand and therefore expect an increase in profit sales as well. For the Cowgirl Chocolates, coming up with a cost-based price would mean decreasing some expenses by modifying packaging or possibly modifying their recipes and/or chocolate ingredients they use. I researched â€Å"Cowgirl Chocolates† and found that they have a great selection; they sell tens of thousands of chocolate a year and double their sales every year. The ingredients stand alone on their own and the sauces are used by several restaurants to cook with. To her credit Marilyn has won two awards in 2010 for her chocolates. The internet and word of mouth keep her business flowing, she receives orders from all over the world including Antarctica! I even joined her email list and intend on trying her chocolates. . Works Cited: J. Paul Peter/James H. Donnelly, Jr, (2008), Marketing Management, Knowledge and Skills Eighth Edition. pp. 489-492, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. J. Paul Peter/James H. Donnelly, Jr, (2008), Marketing Management, Knowledge and Skills Eighth Edition. Retrieved from online. pcdi. com, BM350_Assignment_08; McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. http://online. pcdi. com/ec/crs/cntentItem. learn? CourseID=2901074&47=6493555&dt=8%2F15%2) . Demand-based pricing definition – Dictionary Encarta, 2009 http://encarta. msn. com/dictionary_561538482/demand-based_pricing. html Demand-based pricing definition – Niguel Coulthurst 03 Apr 2002 http://www. accaglobal. com/students/student_accountant/archive/2002/25/404831 Cowgirl Chocolates – 2009 Cowgirl Chocolates http://www. cowgirlchocolates. com/beta/thankyou. shtml

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Organizing Function of Management: Sephora Essay

The organizing function of management is one of the key pieces of running a successful business. Sephora, a leading makeup company founded in France in 1970, has become an international presence; its success has, without question, been affected by its organizational abilities. Two of Sephora’s core competencies are extensive knowledge of beauty products and customer needs and their ability to adapt to ever-changing technology. These two areas have greatly affected the organizing function of management within the company and have helped them excel in the international market. Knowledge  To say that Sephora has excelled in the cosmetics industry due to knowledge is very vague; one would ask â€Å"Knowledge of what? † Their success can be attributed to their knowledge in many areas, two of which include their employees’ knowledge of products and services offered and knowledge of their customers’ needs and how to satisfy those needs. Knowledge of Products and Services Every employee of Sephora is expected to have an extensive knowledge of beauty products and practices: To build the most knowledgeable and professional team of product consultants in the beauty industry, Sephora developed â€Å"Science of Sephora. This program ensures that our team is skilled to identify skin types, have knowledge of skin physiology, the history of makeup, application techniques, the science of creating fragrances, and most importantly, how to interact with Sephora’s diverse clientele. (Sephora, 2012) Knowing such a great deal of information about cosmetics may seem unnecessary to some, but it ensures that customers can enter the store with a sense of security – knowing that the employees there are best suited to help them fulfill their beauty needs. Customers don’t have to worry about wasting their time trying to find a product that works or their skin tone and type; the employees are trained to know what works for different people and can steer them in the right direction. This knowledge of products and services provided by Sephora directly impacts customer service. Knowledge of Customer Needs Another factor that has contributed to the success of Sephora is their knowledge of their customers’ needs. They use the Customer Relationship Management process to determine the wants and needs of customers and develop programs that will satisfy those wants and needs (Bateman & Snell, 2009). Sephora recognizes that their customers expect certain things from the company, and they meet not only those needs but go above and beyond to provide the best experience possible for each customer. They do this in many ways, such as using promotional offers and customer loyalty programs. One of the promotions the company always offers free shipping for any online order over $50. They know customers like free shipping, but they are also encouraging customers to spend more money. Recently, they have improved this offer to free 3-day shipping on every order, whereas before they only offered 5-7 day shipping for free. Another promotion offered at Sephora is three free samples of beauty products with every order. Customers are given the option to select three of a number of samples at checkout at no added cost. This allows customers to try out new products that they might want to use in the future. There are two parts to the customer loyalty program at Sephora. Everyone is eligible to become a Beauty Insider, and select customers are eligible to become V.  I. B. s (Very Important Beauty Insiders). Beauty Insiders gain points for every purchase they make that can be used to get deluxe beauty samples either in store or online. Customers that spend a minimum of $350 at Sephora in a calendar year are elevated to the status of V. I. B. This status gives them access to private events, exclusive rewards, special privileges, and a dedicated beauty consultant at a hotline exclusively for V. I. B. members (Sephora, 2012). Of course, none of these needs would be met so efficiently if it were not for the integration of technology. Technology Sephora has been very successful in adapting to ever-changing technological advances and using them to the advantage of the company. The Sephora website was launched in 1999 in the United States, and it is the largest North American store in terms of sales and the available selection of products (Sephora, 2012). In addition to that, â€Å"Sephora has also been recognized as a leading digital brand and continues to advance this arena through mobile and social media initiatives including an active Facebook page, BeautyTalk (its online beauty community), its mobile site, and iPhone App† (Sephora, 2012). These kinds of technological advances allow Sephora to be a very strong Time Based Competitor – as all of these factors allow them to reduce the time it takes to provide products and services to their customers (Bateman & Snell, 2009). In addition to all the formerly mentioned technological capabilities Sephora avails itself of, the company has recently begun to go above and beyond even that by further integrating social media sites such as Instagram and Pinterest into their marketing in April of 2012. Every product on the Sephora website now has a â€Å"Pin It† button that consumers can use to share favorite products with their followers on Pinterest. Their Instagram feed gives customers behind-the-scenes looks at Sephora and the latest beauty trends (Novellino, 2012). As far as in-store technological advances go, a new program has been launched that provides iPads and iPod Touches to sales associates. Customers will also be able to use their own iPhones to scan products on the floor to get more information and read product reviews right in the store. All of this will improve the overall customer experience, proving that Sephora really does pay attention to the needs of their customers and does whatever they can to make the shopping experience more convenient and enjoyable. Conclusion Through their use of knowledge and technology, Sephora has developed a responsive organization that strives to meet the needs of their customers at a fast pace. These factors are crucial to running a successful business that can not only survive, but strive in a global economy. Sephora knows what their customers want, and they deliver through their constant advances in technology and customer service.

Explain the progressive pathophysiology leading to a myocardial Case Study

Explain the progressive pathophysiology leading to a myocardial infarction (MI) - Case Study Example Right now, â€Å"[t]he current clinical recommendation is to test for homocysteine, CRP and lipoprotein(a) levels as an adjunct to established...criteria†¦In patients with borderline high risk, test for novel cardiac markers to help determine the aggressiveness of treatment strategies.†2 After diagnosis, the patient can then move on to the next stage, which is treatment. Treatment may include a wide range of therapies. Patients may have to enroll in cardiac rehabilitation, receive drug therapy, have a stint implanted in a vessel or vessels, or undergo bypass surgery. Medication management is important, and it is imperative that appropriate to have good assessment measures and nursing management. The failure of the left ventricle to pump blood is precipitated by the body having to work much harder to perform normal everyday functions—thus placing strain upon the heart. â€Å"Neurohormonal activation leads to remodeling of the left ventricle (LV), characterized by dilatation, hypertrophy, and a more spherical appearance of the chamber.†3 The symptoms showing that a myocardial infarction has occurred can be detected by experienced, trained medical professionals. Maintaining best practices in nursing can definitely aid a patient who has suffered a myocardial infarction. With a clear diagnosis and diagnostic data, doctors and nurses can best prescribe medications or provide medical assistance, respectively—assessment and nursing management being part of the overall care plan with regard to treating a patient with myocardial

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Activities in Los Angeles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Activities in Los Angeles - Essay Example In the end, the two theme parks offer enough activities for the whole family. Most people see shopping as the most exciting experience in Los Angeles, especially because of the large shopping malls with a variety of products. The Third Street Promenade is among the top shopping centers because of its eccentric shopping atmosphere. It offers vintage stores with unique cultural artifacts, shops with luxury goods, and outdoor dining options. There are several outdoor recreational activities in Los Angeles. L.A.’s 75 miles of coastline and desirable weather provide a perfect outdoor experience for people who enjoy the sun. Activities range from beach surfing in Venice, Malibu or San Pedro beach to outdoor barbeque parties. Several barbeque locations offer exquisite meals and meat delicacies. There are several other engaging activities in Los Angeles such as hiking, golfing, snowboarding, and skiing. The sights of Hollywood and big budget art museums are just a supplementary excitement to the theme parks, beaches, and social experience that Los Angeles

Monday, August 12, 2019

The sudden economic crises of Dubai, a result of their own doing A Essay

The sudden economic crises of Dubai, a result of their own doing A critical perspective within the Michael Porter's diamond model for international businesses - Essay Example However with global recession hitting the world in 2008 all investments came to a halt. The market became bearish and infrastructure projects came to a halt. Dubai was adversely affected because the property prices during normal times were sky high but dropped immensely during recession. It was felt by analysts that Dubai was like a pack of cards and its fall was inevitable. It was regarded as a monument of greed and vanity. It is in this context that the report is prepared and it analyzes how the own doing of Dubai led to the crisis. The crisis is analyzed using Porter’s Diamond model and it has been found that Dubai largely depended on foreigners to avail its services. The domestic demand from locals was not very high. Porter has identified domestic demand as an important factor for a firm’s competitive advantage. This was Dubai’s weakness. As far as labor factors are considered there are not many local labors available in Dubai. Dubai depends on laborers from other countries which is a setback for Dubai. Moreover lack of education is also an important factor which Dubai needs to work upon in order to be competitive in future. The United Arab Emirates is divided into seven city states which has their own governments, own budgets, own legal structure and so on. Dubai has developed at a very fast pace but in the last decade it has increased it spending massively in major infra structure projects in order to develop real estate and to attract tourists. The Dubai problem started when Dubai World which is the state owned company having a liability of $60 billion, announced its bail out plans (Spencer, 2009). The uncertainty regarding Dubai sent down shivers across the globe. It led to more than $14 billion being wiped out of the British banks. Although the total debt of Dubai was around $80 billion, the uncertainty had a rippling effect all across the globe (Hosking & Robertson, 2009). The report tries to find out the main causes

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Alison Bechdel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Alison Bechdel - Essay Example The areas of focus are Alison Bechdel, her psychoanalysis ideals, fiction, comic, tale and abstraction. Introduction There remains a common perception among people that fiction has nothing to do about life’s reality. It has nothing to do about the truth, originality which lies with a person’s life (Bechdel). The comic of Alison Bechdel â€Å"are you my mother?† depicts another story. It tells that fiction do have some connection with a man’s life (Bechdel 1-5). The way the fiction gets formed does hold some colors of life of the person describing it in the fictional sense (Bechdel). Alison Bechdel who has come out as one of the popular comic writers in the cartoon comic industry is a woman of fiction bringing certain connections of her inner self and her life experiences in her abstraction. Bechdel’s writing is a demonstration which tells that fiction is a manifestation of life’s reality. It is the reflection of truth and situations which a p erson faces in his or her life periods (Bechdel 1-5). This report is going to assess the comic tale of Alison Bechdel, with an aim to find out that how fiction relates to reality (Martin). Themes here to analyze are psychoanalysis, psychodrama, fiction, comic tale and art respectively. Based on the derived thesis statement â€Å"fiction is an added color to life† and analyzing â€Å"Are you my Mother?† the report will draw certain findings, results and conclusion (Kothari). Method Adapted In cotemporary research studies, there are different methods being adapted to conduct the research. In the field of psychology, art and social sciences several authors have adapted the method of secondary research (Kothari). Secondary research is a research based on secondary sources (books, journals, news articles and periodicals), providing an explorative ground to the researcher to make the research apprehensive. In viewing the contemporary literature in arts and literature, the re searcher has adapted thematic secondary research method to analyze the Alison Bechdel’s art comic fiction effectively (Bechdel). This method adapted has made the researcher to explore several secondary sources, providing a closer and critical view on â€Å"Are you my Mother?† This method adapted will possibly lead to conclusive findings describing the comic drama in a more comprehensive way (Kothari 95). Results and Discussion The comic drama â€Å"Are you my Mother?† of Alison Bechdel opens up with the first chapter of the book in which Bechdel emphasizes on her inner eloquence that she had kept secret throughout her life’s journey (Garner 3-5). This was a book which Bechdel kept on emphasizing- an inner expression that had endured Bechdel from inside and throughout her life period (Luban 1-2). In the opening chapter when Bechdel was in conversation with her analyst, she expressed that her mother has been a looming psychic presence in her mind (Bechdel). She wanted to bring her out by writing a book which describes the story of her mother and the relationship with her as a growing daughter. Bechdel’s mother was like an ordinary mother as the comic drama explains but the relationship she kept with Bechdel was majorly different from her other children (Luban 2-3). The drama explains that when Bechdel was seven years old, her mother stopped kissing her to the good night bed. It was something disappointing for the child and definitely something which made Bechdel disturbed from inside. As â€Å"Are you my Mothe